Labels:box | bus | car | dialog box | fence | field | flower | plant | plaything | road | sky | truck | window OCR: Microsoft RegClean Window Registry Analysi ReaCleanis checking your rregistry for etfors Thit wlltake severalminute: When iinished you may carcel and exet ReoCleanor lefxthe errors found Lpoula RegClean fix the etrors generate an undo.reg file in the folder wth RegClean Double-cick on thes feto reverte correction RegCleanmakes Please seport all buns suggestions and commertto tegclean@microsol com The RegClean eam Loading ype Library ldentifer Clart Ganzet Wiridows Reoistry Analusis Conection teaustry enoes voumou ettors suggestione coomonteto Lcom Team Loadino Typel Idenitifier